High School Grant Program
This program aims to provide funding for teachers looking to create or grow their horticulture and landscape programs.
Focus areas of this program:
- Promotes career awareness and stewardship
- Teaches understanding of diverse aspects of plant cultivation and environmental impacts
- Supports education for sustainable landscapes designs, installation, and maintenance
- Funds production of plants for landscapes and greenhouses
- Creates an opportunity for experiential green industry activities
For Members
The high school grant program is a dollar-matching opportunity. Members can donate to support the program for $250. The MNLA Foundation will match that amount, totaling $500. The amount awarded to a high school will be determined by
the number of member sponsorships received. Members benefit from supporting and inspiring young adults, helping improve the labor force, being recognized as a supporter, and receiving a charitable tax donation. To help sponsor this program, contact Paulette Sorenson at paulette@mnla.biz or 651-633-4987.
For TeachersDeadline to apply for 2025 grant funding is March 14, 2025. Applications are reviewed by the MNLA Foundation Board of Trustees and will be awarded by April of 2025. All proposals will be reviewed and fairly judged on their merits. Projects that allow collaboration through new skills and knowledge useful to educators and fall within the set of focus areas will be given strong priority.
Examples of acceptable grant application goals may include:
- Greenhouse construction
- Addition or expansion of a pollinator garden
- Purchase of tools, equipment, or supplies
- Tours, field trips, and competitions related to landscaping
- Continuing education for teachers or student curriculum resources
- Bringing in educational speakers, project managers, and experts to speak to classes
To apply, please fill out this application and return it to Paulette Sorenson at paulette@mnla.biz.