News & Press: Research Updates

Current EAB Research at the University of Minnesota and EAB Management Guidelines Are the Topics of

Monday, April 5, 2021   (0 Comments)
Posted by: Paulette Sorenson

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) will be hosting two research-based webinars on topics related to emerald ash borer (EAB) during the month of April. Both of these webinars may be of interest to a variety of nursery and landscape professionals.


The first webinar to be hosted by the MDA – Emerald Ash Borer Research: Updates from the University of Minnesota – will begin at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 15, 2021, and will highlight research being performed by researchers in the University of Minnesota's Forest Entomology Lab. Presenters will include Dr. Brian Aukema and graduate students Dorah Mwangola and Jake Wittman. Attendees will learn about Dorah's research on the optimization of EAB insecticide treatments and Jake's work on determining the attractive range of a new green prism EAB detection trap baited with sex pheromone and ash volatile lure combination. The webinar will include time for questions and answers and 1.0 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) will be available for ISA Certified Arborists and MNLA Certified Professionals who attend. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR.


The second webinar to be hosted by the MDA – Emerald Ash Borer: Management Guidelines and Insecticide Treatments – will start at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 22, 2021, and will focus on EAB management guidelines and insecticide treatment options. More specifically, Jonathan Osthus, MDA, will discuss EAB management guidelines developed for communities and Jeff Palmer, a certified arborist, will discuss the selection of good treatment candidates, preventative vs. reactive EAB treatments, and the limitations of different EAB treatment options. The webinar will include time for questions and answers and 1.0 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) will be available for ISA Certified Arborists and MNLA Certified Professionals who attend. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR.


With two new counties being added to the Minnesota EAB quarantine already this year, and 27 of Minnesota’s 87 counties now under quarantine for EAB, emerald ash borer continues to spread in Minnesota and keeping up with the latest EAB research and treatment options is important for those who are attempting to manage this highly destructive pest.




To comment on this research update, suggest research topics of interest, or pass along a piece of research-based information that might be of interest to your industry colleagues, please email us at


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